Innovative Marketing Materials

The Special Report

We guarantee: your competition isn't sending one of these! 1on1 Career Coach clients have been blowing their competition out of the water by sending Special Reports.

Most of the competition sends ONLY a resumes - a typical 1950's approach to job-hunting. While you do need a resume, Resumes Are Downright Boring. They're often full of tedious accounts of past jobs, companies, and degrees - and often, a lot of hype, propaganda and fluff.

Special Reports are different.

A Special Report is chock full of useful information in an interesting format. It showcases your expertise. It emphasizes contribution. It positions you as someone "in-the-know." You communicate thought leadership—and earn instant credibility. You stand out from the crowd, without being tacky or unprofessional.

Want to talk about creating a special report for yourself?  Contact us now.

What is a Special Report?

Essentially, a Special Report is a brief document that describes simple, but essential how-to information about your field. Whatever your profession, you have no doubt gained some wisdom about how to make things run smoother, better, easier, more profitably, etc. You know what breeds success, and what issues, when neglected, lead to mediocrity—or even disaster.

Here are a few examples of clients who have effectively promoted themselves with a Special Report from 1on1 Career Coaches:
Tom Staadt

Capt. Tom Staadt

Launching his boat coach business
Tom was a successful insurance executive approaching retirement—and in a new relationship with a woman in Australia. He wanted more from retirement than shuffleboard and bingo. Given his interesting background, which included extensive military service, disaster preparedness consulting, and expertise in boating, the 1on1 Career Coaches suggested that he become a coach for yacht owners, an activity that allows him to work as much--or as little--as he wants. Further, he can work in both the US and Australia.

The 1on1 Career Coach ghost wrote his Special Report entitled, "(Just a Few) Really Big Mistakes Boat Owners Make That Can Embarrass the heck out of you, cost you a pile of cash, and maybe even kill you." It was published in Boating on the Hudson Magazine, giving him instant credibility - and helping boat owners avoid trouble. (See Tom's comments on the testimonials page)
Steve Timothy

Steve Timothy

Steve is masterful at planning and executing special events. The 1on1 Career Coach created a Special Report called "Four Keys to Securing Great Event Sponsors and Four Keys to Great Event Productions," helping him to showcase the excellence of his work [see Steve's comments in Testimonials].
