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Six Things To Do To Get Hired This Holiday Season

I have heard too many people say, "Tis the season for slacking off.  No one is hiring now."  Big mistake!  The holiday season, like any other time of the year, has job lots of opportunities.    

Companies hire for many reasons:  growth of the business or replacing an employee who has been fired, been promoted, quit, transferred, retired, or become sick. That's seven reasons for a company to hire, none of which have anything to do with the season. 

When January brings in the new year, many organizations have approved budgets and fresh money for hiring--but Don't wait!  Since the hiring process takes a lot of time, a January hire can be put into motion in October or November. 

Those who stop looking during the holiday season risk losing a strategic advantage.  Part of this advantage stems from staying in the hunt while others sit on the sidelines.  The rest is that the holiday season carries a psychological advantage.  There is a sense of good cheer in the air.  People are a bit more approachable.

Sure, some contacts are hard to reach this time of year, but many are in town this month, planning to attend parties and do some networking themselves.  Here's how to get the most job seeking mileage out of holiday events:

1) Check for relevant holiday events (or breakfasts and luncheons), and try to attend as many as possible.

2) Take your business cards, handbills and resumes everywhere.

3) Resolve to meet at least ten people at each event.

4) Search out and thank the party organizers, and be sure to compliment them on the good job they did. 

5) Organize a networking event of your own, with people you have been meaning to contact. 

6) Attend your own trade or professional association's holiday-season event.  This gives you a chance to meet new members and see all your old contacts.

A little partying can provide a lot of contacts. Every person you meet can give you additional names of people who can help you in your job hunt. By networking, you can open the "hidden job market"—jobs that have yet to be advertised, or never will be.

Remember, hiring is always going on.  The need for suitable employees overrides all other considerations. When hiring decision makers need help, they hire.  There's no way to predict when it will happen. The best bet is to keep a job campaign moving at all times.


Steve Frederick
Frederick Career Services
1on1 Coaching that Transforms Careers

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