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Surviving Dangerous Job Interview Questions

John finally got an interview with a great company, but blew it in an instant.  Too bad, because he'd done everything right—except prepare for one tough question.

When the boss asked, "Why were you fired?" John stammered, fidgeted, and then bitterly threw blame.  "I worked so hard to produce quality product, but then the bean counters started insisting we cut corners.  Our products were terrible, and they didn't care.  I told them they were ruining the company, so they fired me."  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, John knew he'd blown the interview. 

Many of us go into interviews fearing questions about our weak spots:
Why were you unemployed so long?
what's the reason you've had so many jobs?
Why have you been at the same company for so long (this used to be a good thing!)?
What would your former boss say about you?

Praying the interviewer won't ask is poor strategy.  Here's a better one—be prepared.  I'll tell you how. First, accept what happened.  Look for the lessons, forgive those who did you wrong, and accept responsibility for whatever your part was in what happened—even if it was small.  Whether you are seething with rage over what happened or whether you accept it gracefully, your attitude will be apparent.  Then, follow these steps:

1. Listen to the question

Make sure you understand exactly what the interviewer is asking and why.  If you're not clear, ask for clarification. Many times, people mistake harmless questions for dangerous sensitive questions.  The manager asked our client, a sales representative who didn't own a car, what kind of car she drove.

Her mind raced, Surely, he's wondering how successful I am.  Fortunately, she had the presence of mind to ask, "That's an interesting question. Why do you ask?"

The manager explained that sales reps need a car with a big trunk to carry a large display.  She smiled and said, "That won't be a problem."  If they hired her, she'd get a car with a big trunk.

2. Take time to think
Ideally, you have anticipated every sensitive question, and have a well-rehearsed response.However, if you're caught off guard, Don't just blurt something out.It is always preferable to pause a moment to give a thoughtful response.

3. Use Positive Information
Use positive information to put yourself in a favorable light.  Be truthful, but remember, you are marketing yourself.  Be selective about the information that you share.  Some information is just not the employer's business.  Jane, who is moving across the country to reunite with her high school flame, doesn't need to share such personal details, if she thinks they will be perceived negatively.

4. Refocus attention by asking a question of your own

Conversations tend to stay on topic until someone changes the subject.  Don't let the conversation linger on your liabilities. Take the initiative to refocus attention by asking the employer a question.

Here's what John could have said: "I have always had a deep commitment to quality. During my years at ABC Company, our customers could always count on top quality and prompt delivery—no excuses.Then, senior management began cutting corners, and our quality suffered. I found it hard to work under these conditions, and they decided it would be best for everyone if I moved on.  They let me go.  In hindsight, I agree it was best for everyone.  I wish them well."

So far, John has given good positive information.But now, he should refocus by asking a question.  He might say, "I'm looking for an employer who shares my commitment to quality and customer service. Can you tell me about your philosophy in those areas?"  In this way, John doesn't sound like a complainer or a troublemaker, but sounds responsible and committed. This new conversation also helps both parties to see if the job will be a good fit.  John doesn't want to get fired again because he's working with management that doesn't share his high standards.


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