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Is this the job you want in 2018?

Another year over, a new one just begun. Maybe you’ve been reflecting on where your career is going.

Will you be OK if you're still in the same place in 2018? 
Are you determined NOT to be in the same place next year?

As you’re pondering this, here are some things to think about and brief stories about people who decided there was no point in doing anything other than taking immediate action.

You have no life outside work and/or work stress is affecting your health
Most jobs today are demanding and stressful at times, but is your job keeping you from enjoying time with family and friends? Does it negatively impact your health?

Marianne came to see us because she was unhappy at work. She was so dedicated didn’t even realize how crazy the employer’s demands were. She told us she had even worked a few 20-hour shifts, only going home for a shower and a very brief nap. She was so tired, she could hardly focus. She felt like she was getting sick. With some coaching, she set limits with her boss to get a more manageable workload and then found a job compatible with having a life.  

Marianne even worked a few 20-hour shifts

Do you get meaning from your job?
Are you still excited about your job? Have you ever been? In good times and bad, people want to align career and personal values. Most all of us need a sense of purpose and meaning.

Martha was horrified when she found that she was just going through the motions at work. That was not her style at all. She loved to immerse herself in what she was doing, and realized that the challenges she loved were no longer available at her company. She found those challenges at a competitor.

Not on the same page with the boss?
Let’s face it, it’s stressful when you're not in synch with the boss. It’s also dangerous because your boss will have a huge influence over your assignments, whether you are promoted, and, of course, whether you keep your job. A good talk can sometimes clear the air, but often, it’s time to move on.

David had a great relationship with Charlie, the boss who hired him. But when Charlie retired, Marcus took his place, and the two have not seen eye to eye on much of anything.  David wisely started looking.


Want to talk about where your career is now--and where you want to be?
Call us for a no obligation conversation:  847-673-0339


The company you work for is sinking fast 
The signs are there for all to see, but most of the folks at the company are in denial. The company isn’t healthy and you face a career crisis—soon. It’s time to be in action.
Samuel recognized that the bad publicity the company had received threatened its survival. While everyone else was telling themselves that the downturn was temporary, Samuel headed for the lifeboats before the company went the way of the Titanic.

Are you getting paid fairly?
Are you paid fairly for the level of contribution you make at your company? Are financial issues causing trouble on the home front? Are you able to save for the future? If you deserve a piece of equity in your company, are you getting it?

Dan, a COO at a small company, had been stewing over his compensation package for a couple years. Though Dan easily contributed as much--or more—to the company’s success, the CEO paid himself four times what Dan earned. Dan finally stopped stewing and found a company that gave him an equity share of the business.

Are you getting stagnant?
Steven Covey speaks of the need to “keep the saw sharp;“ to keep developing our skill set.  How’s that going for you? Are you learning new things? Getting better at your craft? If not, you risk becoming obsolete.

Maria recognized that she was stagnant, took a course to bolster her skills, and got a promotion within her own company.

Wherever you are in your career, it’s critical to consider your next career move. Too many people stay put in a job that’s not right Not making the right career move at the right time can be expensive in a lot of ways. ###

Want to talk about your job/career? Call us at 847-673-0339. Do it now. 


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