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What You Don't Know About LinkedIn Can Hurt You

You may be vulnerable to hackers

You check LinkedIn often- at the coffee shop, at the library, and when you're on the road. But did you know that if you Don't sign out when you're finished, you can leave your profile vulnerable to hackers? Are you still signed in at the library? How about that hotel in Los Angeles? Who knows where else?

Yikes! What do I do?
Maybe you're thinking something like, "Yikes! How do I even know where I'm still signed in? What do I do about it?"

Fortunately, there is an easy way to find out where you're still signed in-and fix it.

Here's how to protect yourself
1) Sign into your Privacy and Settings. [To access privacy and settings, point your mouse at the little thumbnail picture of you that appears in the upper right hand corner of your profile.You will see a drop down menu containing Privacy and Settings].

2) Find "Your Active Sessions"-it's right underneath "Payment" info. Click on "See Where you're Signed In."

3) You will see a list of the sites where you are signed in.You will now be able to sign out from each of them.

When I learned about this at a recent workshop I attended, I found that I was still signed in at a site where I had presented a workshop. A woman who attended found-to her horror--that she was signed in at sites in several cities. she had not recently been to any of those cities. She promptly took the above steps and signed out--then changed her password (Change Your Password is on the same page of Privacy and Settings). It's a good idea to change your password once a month.

Do a quick check today!


READ ON FOR A POSTSCRIPT written by my client, Andrea Gordon.

Learn about a lot more things you should know about LinkedIn.  Attend our free LinkedIn webinars PLUS other job search/career advancement webinars. 


Being hacked while using public WiFi is also possible. The solution is to never access a site with your private information (e.g. banks, credit cards) while using public WiFi.

Andrea Gordon

Taking users from frustration to capability-I design database systems that end bottlenecks, mistakes & wasted time/money


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