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Beware Salary Questions

you're hot on the trail of that new job, BUT....now, the boss wants to know how much money you want—before you've even discussed the job.Be careful!What you say next can quickly kill your chances. 

Follow the first two rules of salary negotiations.

1) Avoid talking about money until they make an offer.
2) Let the employer go first.

Generally, the employer is asking to find if you're affordable and the right caliber of candidate for the job.What is affordable for the employer?you've done your homework and have an idea, but you Don't really know for sure—especially these days.Here are some answers to the question.Pick a couple that feel most comfortable for you and your style.Practice them with a friend until you feel comfortable saying them:

"I'm really uncomfortable talking about salary now.I Don't want to get screened out because I was making too much or too little.Can we discuss the job—and if it's a good fit, I'm sure we can come up with a number that will work for both of us."

"I believe in being paid for the value I produce for a company.Can we talk about how I can produce value for you before we discuss salary?"

"I'm sure you pay fair wages.If you decide I'm the right candidate, I'm sure we can work something out."

*Career changer going into a new industry and facing a pay cut*  "I was making a lot.Frankly, I Don't expect to make what I was being paid before.I'd like to fit into your salary structure."

If you're in sales, you might say, "I'm sorry, but as a sales rep, I've been trained not to give out that kind of information.Certainly, if I was working for you, you wouldn't want me revealing that sort of information to a customer."

If the employer is insistent, you can move to the second rule, and let the employer go first:  "You probably couldn't afford what I was making.What is the range that you're looking to pay?"

 "Give me an idea of the range you have in mind, and I'll let you know if we're in the right ballpark."

 Artful handling of these salary questions can mean the difference between being seriously considered—and getting a quick rejection.

For more information on salary, be sure to pick up a copy of Jack Chapman's book, "Negotiating Your Salary:How to Make $1,000 a Minute" and attend Jack's salary negotiations webinar, just one of our many Free Career Webinars.


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