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Have you backed up your LinkedIn?

Most all of us know someone who didn't back up their computer files—with disastrous results.  Hopefully, you make a practice of regular backups so you Don't risk losing years of your work, records, correspondence, and so on.  But have you even considered backing up LinkedIn?

A lot of people say it never even occurred to them. Why would you have to do that?

If your account were accidentally deleted, cyber terrorists took out LinkedIn, or LinkedIn purposely deleted your account for some reason, you would lose all your connections and your profile.  Most of us wouldn't even know where to begin to reconstruct the content and connections.

Here's a three step process:

1) Back up your profile.  you've put a lot of work into this, right? Some of you have paid good money for someone else to write it.  This is an easy operation.  You can just use your mouse to highlight the text, then copy and paste it into a Word document.

2)  Back up your contacts on LinkedIn and store them on your hard drive.

Here's how you do it.  After logging onto LinkedIn,

a) Choose "Contacts" from the top menu bar, then choose "Connections" from the dropdown menu.

b) Look for the words "Export Connections."  This should be on the bottom right.  Click on it.

c) Under the words "Export to", there is a dropdown menu from which you choose the format in which you'd like your connections to appear.

d) Click Export

e) Presto!  You have a file with the names and email addresses of your LinkedIn connections.  Save this on your hard drive (and elsewhere).

But wait!  you're not done yet.  You should also back up your LinkedIn recommendations.


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